Droimeiteach beag - Balaenoptera acutorostrata

How to identify  

Minke whales are the smallest whale species in Irish waters, growing between 8.5 and 10m long. They have a dark grey-black back and a white underside, with a pointed head. About two-thirds the way down their back, they have a sickle shaped dorsal fin. But the most distinguishable feature are white bands around their pectoral fins or flippers, which can be seen through the water on closer encounters. While they seldom have a visible blow, their breath can sometimes be smelled, explaining their nickname ‘stinky minke’.


Surfacing minke whale, without any visible blow, but clearly visible white bands on pectoral fins – Christina Winkler  

Surfacing minke whale, with arched back before going on a deep dive – Aoibheann Lambe

Ecology, social dynamics and seasonality  

Minke whales are baleen whales. Instead of teeth, they have baleen plates that they use to filter prey out of the water. Minke whales in Irish waters eat sand eel, sprat and herring, but also krill, capelin, mackerel and cod outside of Irish waters. Minke whales are most frequently seen alone, but can occasionally appear in pairs or small groups. Like other baleen whales, minkes are migratory. Unlike some cetacean species however, their migration is less predictable. We don’t know exactly where they go to feed in summer or breed in winter. They occur in Irish waters from spring to winter, with highest densities in the SW of Ireland from April to July. Minke whales can dive for over 15 minutes. Just before a long dive, they will arch their backs clearly out of the water.


Dark back and sickle shaped dorsal fin of a minke whale – Christina Winkler  

Minke whales along the Iveragh coast  

Off the Iveragh coast, minkes have been reported in depths of around 70m and further offshore, moving further inshore in spring. Bray Head as well as St. Finan’s Bay, Derrynane Bay and Kenmare River are good locations to spot minke whales, as well as around Lemon Rock when you are out on a boat. Their Irish name (Droimeiteach beag) actually translates very well in what to expect to see when on lookout for these animals: a small drumlin.


Bottlenose Dolphin


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